Non-Discrimination Policy / Title IX
What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in education, including K-12 schools. Title IX is a federal law that promotes equity in education. It is the policy of the State of California that all persons, regardless of their gender, should enjoy freedom from discrimination of any kind in the educational institution of the state. The laws found in the California Education Code 221.5-231.5 are collectively known as the Sex Equity in Education Act.
If you are unsure whether your concern/complaint is a Complaint of Sexual Harassment, please file a General Complaint, and the District will determine whether it should be processed as a General Complaint, Complaint Against Employee, Sexual Harassment Complaint, Uniform Complaint, or Williams Complaint. Please refer to Concerns/Complaints.
TITLE IX violations shall be reported via the Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP), as identified in California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 4600 et. seq. For more information on the UCP complaints and appeals visit the CDE’s UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES and RESOLUTION OF DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT COMPLAINT pages.
- Regulation 5145.3: Nondiscrimination/Harassment Policy
- UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURE (AR 1312.3) Last revised 1/19/22
- UNIFORM COMPLAINT FORM (E 1312.3) Last revised 2/21/19
Title IX Training Materials:
It is important to understand that the materials posted to this website are proprietary and are copyrighted. Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose. Proceeding to use and access the content on this page demonstrates your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. Buckeye Union School District's training materials used to train the school's Title IX personnel can be found at: HTTPS://WWW.
Title IX Coordinators:
- Jackie McHaney (530) 677-2261 or (916) 985-2183, ext. 1000
- Nicole Schraeder (530) 677-2261 or (916) 985-2183, ext. 1000
Per the California Education Code, the District is required to annually report and post its gender equity reports and maintain data for three school years.
Reports are posted to school websites, linked below.
- Blue Oak Elementary School
- Buckeye Elementary School
- Buckeye Union Mandarin Immersion Charter School
- Camerado Springs Middle School International Baccalaureate World School
- Oak Meadow Elementary School
- Rolling Hills Middle School
- Silva Valley Elementary School
- Valley View Charter Montessori/Middle School International Baccalaureate World School
- William Brooks Elementary School
(a) Commencing with the 2015–16 school year and every year thereafter, each public elementary and secondary school in the state, including each charter school, that offers competitive athletics shall publicly make available at the end of the school year all of the following information:
(1) The total enrollment of the school classified by gender.
(2) The number of pupils enrolled at the school who participate in competitive athletics, classified by gender.
(3) The number of boys’ and girls’ teams, classified by sport and by competition level.
(b) The data required pursuant to subdivision (a) shall reflect the total number of players on a team roster on the official first day of competition.
(c) The school shall make the information specified in subdivision (a) publicly available as follows:
(1) If the school maintains an Internet Web site, by posting the information on the school’s Internet Web site.
(2) If the school does not maintain an Internet Web site, by submitting the information to its school district or, for a charter school, to its charter operator. The school district or charter operator shall post the information on its Internet Website, and the information shall be disaggregated by school sites.
(d) The materials used by a school to compile the information specified in subdivision (a) shall be retained by the school for at least three years after the information is posted on the Internet pursuant to subdivision (c).
(e) As used in this section, “competitive athletics” means sports where the activity has coached, a governing organization, and practices, and competes during a defined season, and has competition as its primary goal.