The Buckeye Union School District offers GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) identification and supports at all school sites throughout the District. Program opportunities for GATE are site based; however, a fall administration of the OLSAT (Otis Lennon School Ability Test) is provided Districtwide in order to identify qualifying students. For those that qualify, a Differentiated Learning Plan is created and opportunities for enrichment/support in and out of the classroom are provided.
As a result of the State's Local Control Funding Formula, GATE is no longer funded as a categorical program. Regardless, the District has continued to identify students for GATE eligibility and school sites offer a limited range of services and supports.
Testing is for 3rd - 8th grade students ONLY.
If you would like to learn more about GATE, please contact the principal of the site that your student attends OR the GATE Coordinator.
- GATE Coordinator
- Sara Matley
- (530) 677-1658, ext. 1515
- smatley@buckeyeusd.org