District & School Boundaries
To locate your school of residence based on your student's physical address: click hERE
- If you are NOT in our boundaries, you may apply at one of our charters without an approved Interdistrict Transfer.
- If you are NOT in our boundaries and need assistance with locating your home district based on your residency address, please search on EDCOE or Great Schools.org.
- Buckeye Union Elementary School District is for grades TK through 8th grade. If you need a transfer (in or out) for high school, please contact the HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT.
Elementary Schools:
- Buckeye in Shingle Springs (530-677-2277)
- Blue Oak in Cameron Park (530-676-0164)
- Oak Meadow in El Dorado Hills (916-933-9746)
- Silva Valley in El Dorado Hills (916-933-3767)
- William Brooks in El Dorado Hills (916-933-6618)
- Buckeye Union Mandarin Immersion Charter School in El Dorado Hills (916-933-9746)
- Valley View Charter Montessori in El Dorado Hills (916-939-9640)
Middle Schools:
- Camerado Springs International Baccalaureate World School in Cameron Park (530-677-1658)
- Rolling Hills in El Dorado Hills (916-933-9290)
- Valley View Charter Montessori Middle School International Baccalaureate World School in El Dorado Hills (916-939-9640)
If you need any further information regarding registration, please contact the school. If your student is currently enrolled, you do NOT need to re-register each year.