Parent Education Opportunities
Parent Education Opportunities
Additional Parent Education Opportunities may occur at your school site. Please contact your school office for additional information regarding those events.
For more information on the "Parenting the Love and Logic Way" classes, please click HERE.
2024/2025 Parent Education Opportunities
COMING SOON - Watch for more information in your district and school communications
2023/2024 Parent Education Opportunities
- February 13, 2024, 6:30pm
- Rolling Hills Middle School (MP room)
- All BUSD parents welcome!
- Parenting in a Digital World
- October 2023 (3 offered)
- Parent Education Opportunity - Zones of Regulation Parent Ed Nights
- 6pm - Tuesday, October 17 at Oak Meadow Elementary
6pm - Thursday, October 19 at Silva Valley Elementary
6pm - Tuesday, October 24 at Rolling Hills Middle Schoo
2022/2023 Parent Education Opportunities
- January 31, 2023, 6:30pm
- Rolling Hills Middle School, MP Room
- Angst - Raising Awareness around Anxiety
- Click here for the LINK, then ENTER the following code: ED04T9COK.
- October 27, 2022, 6:30pm
- Rolling Hills Middle School, MP Room
- Understanding Substance Abuse in Teens
- September 26th, 2022, 6:30
- Camerado Springs Middle School, MP Room
- Parenting Generation Screen: Tweens, Teens, Screens, and Self Esteem
2021/2022 Parent Education Opportunities
- February 23, 2022, 6:30pm
- Rolling Hills Middle School, MP Room
- Fentanyl & Zach's Story BUSD Parent Night
- Video of Presentation