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Master Plan Advisory Committee

The role of the Facilities Master Plan Advisory Committee is to study and advise the Superintendent and the Board in all areas related to growth, development, and the facilities needed to provide an optimal learning environment for students.  The Committee is composed of a parent, teacher, classified staff, and administrator from each site/department in the district.  Representation is encouraged from all units by each school site. Meetings are facilitated by the Director of Facilities.

This committee reviews growth and development in the District and recommends any boundary changes needed to balance our schools.  They recently completed a comprehensive review of the learning options at each site.  This resulted in the recommendation of a series of projects to be completed in order for each site to offer equitable programs for learning.  This recommendation led to the pursuit and passage of a local bond (Measure K). They will continue to work on the changing demographics of the district and how best to respond in the housing of our students.  They will also have a key role in the architectural design and site development of future schools and facilities. 

2016 Facilities Master Plan