Facility Use Information
Buckeye Union School District’s Facilities Use Fee Schedule is effective October 1, 2010, and is available below. Please refer to the Facilities Use Fee Schedule to determine the correct rate for your user classification.
Facilities applications are picked up and turned in at the appropriate school site. They must include the following to be accepted:
- Completed application - 3 part form
- $30.00 application fee - applicable to ALL user groups
- Certificate of Liability Insurance – one million dollar minimum required
- Form A: Free of Charge User or From B: Users for a Fee – whichever is applicable
- Hold Harmless Agreement
- Statement of Information
- Cancellation/Schedule Change Policy (downloadable form at the bottom of this page)
- User Group COVID Compliant Acknowledgment Form (CDPH Guidance for User Groups (9/22/21)
For the use of the kitchen: a "Request to Use Kitchen Facilities" form is required. Additionally, there is a $30 per hour, 2 hour minimum cafeteria staff charge. Cafeteria time included above and required for any usage of kitchen. Kitchen rental also includes MP rental to access restrooms.
Custodial time not included above; per hour custodial time added to the cost of the facility if outside of standard hours or if dedicated time is needed. The custodial fee is $35 per hour, 2 hour minimum when the use of the facility is outside regular custodial work hours.
Facility Use Applications are available at the school offices. The school site will send your completed application to the District Office for final approval.
Facility Classifications
Class I
Organizations meeting the criteria set forth in Education Code 38134 (a), i.e. groups (non-profit organizations, clubs or associations) organized to promote youth and school activities including, but not limited to:
- District-appointed committees
- School-Community Advisory Councils
- District employee organizations
- School-Community Advisory Councils
- PTA/PTO/School Clubs
- Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire, etc.
FEE: No charge except when custodial and cafeteria staff are required
Custodial: $35.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum
Food Service: $30.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum
Organizations meeting the criteria set forth in Education Code 38134 (c), groups whose purpose is to improve the general welfare of the community, to include, but not limited to:
- Special interest clubs
- Homeowner Associations
- Civic and Service Groups
- Chamber of Commerce
- Community services districts
- County or state organizations and commissions
- Youth sports leagues
- Churches using the facilities for temporary church services
- Groups or community services districts charging fees
Groups that use facilities for entertainment, meetings, or classes for which admission is charged or contributions solicited and the net receipts are not expended for charitable purposes or for the welfare of the District or its students.
Non-profit organizations where organizers, supervisors, coaches, etc., draw a salary from the activity or organization and participation fees are received from students or adults.
Rentals where admission or participation fees are charged, or contributions are solicited and the net receipts are not expended for the welfare of the District, its students, or for charitable purposes.
Rentals that are not directly beneficial to youth, activities of the District, or general welfare of the community.
Users who do not qualify for Class I, II, or III such as:
Meetings conducted by commercial businesses
Entertainment events for which admission is charged and whose proceeds do not benefit students of the District
Activities of private individuals or companies without tax-exempt certificates, and other similar uses
The above classes exclude Joint-Use Agreements.
High-use organizations may negotiate a flat fee for field use.
Cancellation/Schedule Change Policy
All schedule changes and cancellations must be made in writing to the appropriate school site office. Cancellations made two (2) weeks or more in advance will result in a full refund or waiver of the Facility Use Fee. Cancellations made 48 hours to two (2) weeks will result in a refund or waiver of 50% of the Facility Use Fee. Cancellations made less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled use will result in no refund/full charge of the Facility Use Fee.
Cancellation/Schedule Change Form (to accompany Facility Use Application)
Contact Us:
Lu Tonge
Bond Accountant/Construction
530-677-2261 ext. 1031