Application to Distribute Flyers/Materials
Directions to Distribute Flyers/Materials (Please read)
- Review Board Policy 1325 to see if your flyer/material falls within the policy guidelines
- ie “All informational materials…shall contain a disclaimer that it is not a program of the Buckeye Union School District.”
- Complete the Application to Distribute Flyers/Materials (link below)
- Return the application and a copy of the flyer to the Superintendent's office, attn: Kellee Sellwood:
- Please allow a minimum of three (3) working days to obtain approval/denial via email
- Once/If approved, see distribution instructions below:
- DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Upon approval, a copy of the application with the approval signature must be on the top of the flyers/materials to be distributed and delivered to school offices by the requesting entity. Required as part of the approval is that flyers/materials are counted and bundled according to the numbers listed for each school.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.