Board Meeting Info/Protocol
General Information
Board Meeting General Information
The Buckeye Union School District Board of Trustees usually meets twice a month, typically on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Buckeye Union School District is located at 5049 Robert J. Mathews Parkway, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (Six Sierra Complex). The Board Room entrance is at the rear of the building. SEE MAP BELOW. Meetings are held at the District Office unless otherwise stated on the agenda.
- Q - Are the meetings held in public?
- A - Yes, and the public is encouraged and welcome to attend.
- Q - Do members of the audience have an opportunity to speak?
- A - Persons wishing to speak on an item listed on the agenda must fill out a request card located at the back of the boardroom and submit it to the Board secretary prior to the discussion of the item. Persons wishing to speak on an item not on the agenda may do so during the "Public Comments" portion of the meeting.
- Q - What is the procedure when called to speak?
- A - Come to the podium and state your name. Be brief and to the point. Individual speakers shall be allowed three minutes to address the Board.
Board Meeting Protocol
The Board may meet in closed session before and after public meetings. By law, in closed session, the Board is allowed to discuss certain matters in private. The topics are limited to pending litigation, property negotiations, personnel matters, contract negotiations, and individual student matters.
Notices of board meetings are posted at least 72 hours in advance. Agendas outlining the topics to be covered during a particular meeting are posted in the display case outside the District Office, in visible locations at each school site, and on the District website.
Routine items are approved by a single vote. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for purposes of discussion, either in public or in closed session for personnel matters, contract negotiations, and individual student discipline cases.
By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board will receive comments on other matters and may refer them to district staff. The Board may recommend a follow-up report or place the item on the agenda of a future board meeting.
If scheduled, staff members, community members, students, or other public agencies may make presentations to the Board.
Discussion/action items are presented to the Board for input. Items may be acted upon at the time of presentation or may be brought back for consideration at a future meeting.
The public may address items on the agenda PRIOR TO THE BOARD TAKING ACTION.
After a board member makes a motion, the discussion is limited to board members only. It should not be assumed that by making a motion a board member is necessarily in support of the motion. They may simply wish to bring the matter to a vote. According to protocol, the Board Chairperson does not make a motion.
All board agendas include time for public comments on topics not on the agenda. Those wishing to address the Board during this time need not make a written request in advance. Raise a hand or stand when the Chairperson announces this part of the meeting.
To address an issue listed on the board agenda, please indicate your interest to make comment on that agenda item by completing a comment card. The Board will indicate when they are ready to receive comment(s) on that item.
Those wishing to speak are requested to limit their comments to three minutes each. The Board may change this time limit depending on the number of people who wish to speak. Speakers are asked to refrain from repeating comments that have already been expressed.
Complaints or charges against district personnel are not permitted during a meeting of the Board of Trustees. A formal complaint procedure allows people to submit their complaints or charges in writing.