2022/2023 SARCs (approval January 17, 2024)

2021/2022 SARCs

Per CDE: The SARC Web Application is populated with data from California Department of Education (CDE), and these data are based on information that public schools/local educational agencies (LEAs) submitted to the CDE.

Please note that the 2021–22 school year data for Tables 6 and 7-Teacher Preparation and Placement, Table 8-Teachers Without Credentials and Misassignments, Table 9-Credentialed Teachers Assigned Out-of-Field, and Table 10-Class Assignments are not available at this time. For active public schools, we anticipate that the 2021–22 school year data for Tables 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be available after the February 1 posting due date and will not be editable. Nonpublic nonsectarian schools are expected to input their information in the teacher data tables since the CDE does not have access to these data for these school types. We encourage all schools/LEAs to post their Board approved 2021–22 SARCs by February 1 without the aforementioned data tables. A second Board review/approval of the 2021–22 Teacher data once populated is not required.

2021/2022 SARCs with Teacher Data (data revised 7/19/23, Board approval 8/16/23)  

2021/2022 SARCs without Teacher Data (Board Approval 2/1/23)    

2020/2021 SARCs

SARCs with Teacher Data (data revised 8/9/22)

SARCs with Teacher Data (data released/updated 7/12/22)

Effective 2020/2021: CDE is importing teacher data directly. Per CDE, the data is delayed and will not be released until after the deadline of February 1st.  SARCs are submitted without this data and will submit an updated copy once the data becomes available. The following SARCs were presented to the Board on 2/2/22, without the teacher data.