Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP)
Each school has a well-developed and complete emergency response Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) that is coordinated with local agencies. The emergency plan clearly identifies the specific actions for any emergency situation. Students and staff practice emergency procedures such as fire drills and classroom evacuations during the school year and are familiar with how to respond in an emergency situation.
Information on possible school closures due to inclement weather or other situations will be announced through Connect, our emergency phone/e-mail system. A notice may also be posted in front of the school.
During an emergency situation, the superintendent will only dismiss children to go home if there is time for children to safely return to their homes and a parent/guardian has been notified. If a student’s parent cannot be contacted and/or the parent is unable to pick up their child, the school will maintain responsibility for the child until the parent or an authorized individual can pick up the child. The safety of individual students is our highest priority. Students will not be excused except to the care of a parent or another adult designated on the emergency card.
If evacuation of the school is necessary, students will be transported to a predetermined location where their parent or another designated adult can pick them up. Information on this location will be announced through our ConnectEd phone/e-mail system and posted near the school. The school will not be evacuated unless necessary. {Reference: Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3516}
If you would like to learn more about the District's general protocols in response to threats, click here.
The School Site Council (SSC) is a group of parents, teachers, and classified employees that work with the principal to develop, renew, and evaluate school improvement efforts and develop site plans.
The specific plans may include the:
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP)
If you are interested in participating in the SSC, please contact the principal.